Sunday, May 3, 2015

Top 10 favorite Authors (part 3)

3 This one is properly one of the most obvious on the list and needs the least explanation of all of the writers listed, J.K Rowling. I am a complete Harry Potter fan and have read the first six books about five times and the seventh one about three times (because there was so much going on in this one I couldn't speed read it like the other six). I really like all of the books but if I had to list them they would go like this: 1. The Half Blood Prince #6 2. The Order of Phoenix #5 3. The Deathly Hallows #7 4. The Goblet of Fire #4 5. The Prisoner of Azkaban #3 6. The Sorcerer of Stone #1 and finally 7. The Chamber of Secrets #2 .That is how I would have listed my favorite Harry Potter books. But if I had to list my favorite Harry Potter movies then the list would be a little different. 
2 Almost to number one everyone, but anyway my number two is Darren Shan. The very first Darren Shan book that I read was The Saga of Darren Shan: the manga. But then I found the original written series not long after and finished all twelve books in my freshmen year. I have also read all ten of The Demonata series and the novel The Thin Executioner which is similar to the story Huckleberry Finn without all the gore and interventions of gods. I also read two books of the other series that starred in Larten Creplsey but I don’t know the name of it. There is also a short series he wrote that had zombies in it that I really wanted to read but alas I have so many books that I have yet to finish but I will get to that zombie fic that is for sure. 
1 Finally were at number one. He wrote my book of all time and created my favorite character of all time as well, Eoin Colfer! My favorite character is from the Artemis Fowl series (7/8), and my favorite book Half Moon Investigation. I have also read the The Supernatrualist but it isn't on any of my favorite list like Artemis and Half-moon. But anyway he is my most Favorite because he wrote my favorite character and favorite book and that simply the reason why he is number one on this list. 

My Top 10 Favorite Authors (part 2)

7 She was my first favorite mystery writer of all times. Mary Higgins Clark and I read maybe about over 5 novels of hers which are: All Around the Town, Pretend, I heard that Song Before, Remember Me, and No Place like Home ect. I don’t remember which Mary Higgins Clark was my first but I do remember my favorite one is All Around the Town. One thing I do find odd about this author is that I have a hard time finding books by her. I mean in my middle school we had row of her books there but in my high school none even my local libraries had none of her books. How odd. 
6 She is probably one of the best mystery writers of all times, Dame Agatha Christie. I have already did an entire blog dedicated to her so I wont say much in this paragraph. But I will list the books that I have read from her: The Mysteries affairs at Styles, The murder at the Vicarage, Death on the Nile, Appointment with Death, Sad Cypress, The Murder is Announced and the Moving Finger. 
5 This author might have the longest reading list I have. No that doesn’t mean I read more of her books then anyone. But it means the running time that I read her books because most people don’t always read their childhood authors until there older instead you stop and read more mature writer. But for Margaret Haddix I started reading her books in the sixth grade and many years until today I am in a middle of one her ongoing series. The books that I have read from her are: The Shadow Children Series(7/7), The Girl with 500 middle names, Because of Anya, Escape from Memory, The Missing (5/7), Double Identity, Palace of Mirror and Running out of Time. The series that I am currently on is the Missing Series and I am on the sixth book but there are 7 at the moment and I don’t think she has finished the series yet. 
4 This author was one of my all-time favorites when I was much younger and perhaps this one I read the most books from. Ann. M Martin is the author of my beloved The Baby-Sitter's Club. This series I have read more from any other series that I'm not sure how many I have but all I know is that I was no where close to have read all of them. Not only have I read this series but I have also have read A Dog's Life: The autobiography of a stray and the Doll People Series (3/4). But The Babysitter's Club will always be the best series that I have ever read and I really miss that series but I have other books that I need to finish. 

My Top 10 Favorite Authors

Already then. I have done a three part for my Top 10 favorite characters and I have also done my Top 5 favorite villains . This may be my last countdown list of favorites. And this time I am doing a top ten list of my favorite authors of all time. Most of them are from my earlier years because I am more familiar with their style of writing hence there wont really be any recent authors on this list. But anyway time for the countdown. 
10 The first one  this list is Peg Kehret and the books I have read from her are Abduction, The stranger next door, Spy cat, Nightmare Mountain, The Volcano Disaster, The Hideout, The Blizzard disaster, and Trapped. The first Peg Kehret book I read was The Hideout and it was assigned book for a book group. We had chapters that we were assigned to read each night. But instead of reading the assigned chapters I went ahead and finished the book very early and I had to watch myself so I wouldn't actually blurt out a spoiler and alert my teacher that I went ahead. The next Peg Kehret book I read was Nightmare Mountain and like the Hideout I read ahead of the group. That’s when  I decided to find more books by this Author and she became one of my childhood favorites. 
9 The next one is Dan Brown. The first time I have ever heard about this author was on VH1 when they were talking about the DaVinci Code and they were talking about how weird it would be to pass Jesus offspring. That was when I was like "What Jesus has a kid"{ until I realize they were talking about a book. So I decided to read the book. Instead I read Angels and Demons because it was the first one of the series and then I read the DaVinci Code I also read the third book the Lost Symbols which was also great and they should do another movie based on this book.  
8 This person has recently made it on my favorites list because of the recent series that I read from them had me both disgusted and terrified.Rick Yancey is my number eight and the writer of these books that I have read from him: The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp trilogy and The Monstrumologist series. First off all if you have read my earlier post of the Monstrumologist series you would know my feelings. Also The Extraordinary adventures of Alfred Kropp was the first books I read from this author and I ended up really liking Alfred Kropp because he was really the most unlikeliest hero that I have ever Known.