Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Daughters of the Moon

You know I just realized that I did a post on The Sisters of Isis by Lynne Ewing but I never did one on The Daughters on the moon. But I did mentioned it in The Sisters of the moon blog. I think I mentioned that unlike the other series is that this one is finished and that I am further ahead in it but did not finish the series yet. My excuse for not finishing the series was because I was reading a different series at the time so I had to quit one of the other series so I could focused on the other one. But anyway lately I have been thinking about going back to finish the book series that I didn't finish. I also remember really liking that series but I think I started to hit the point in a long book series that I just completely get tired but I usually go back to the series but sometimes I go back after several years later.
I stopped reading at number eleven which was called the Prophecy in the series and the girl who was the protagonist of the book was Catty. She is the one that is able to go back in time. The other girls have different powers like Vanessa can became invisible, Serena can read other people’s mind, Jimena can see into the future and Tiana has the powers of telekinesis. But I think my favorite power is actually Catty’s even though Serena is my favorite character of all of the group.

What I really like most about the books is that they incorporate Greek mythology plus Superpowers plus scary shadow demon thingies that are equated in the lives of different teenage girls. I really liked the fact that all the girls are so different from each other like Vanessa is in the popular clique, Catty is in the artsy one, Serena is a musical gothic girl, Jimena was from the gangs and Tiana is a homeless girl that has been on the run from demons from a long time. In real these girls would not be the best of friends and because the books alternate from their points of view you get a sense of familiarity from each one of them.  But it has been a while since I have read the books like back in 2012 so I think I have to reread the books again. But it’ll be worth it.

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