Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Paperback Or eBook

The way of reading has changed from scribbling on stone to painting on reed wood to inking on paper to the now modern reading on an eBook of some kind. Many people often are reading on eBook because of the convenience of easily obtaining new books. But I am an old fashioned gal and I prefer the traditional paper copy.
The reason for it? Well because printed copy satisfy all of my basic senses (except for taste because frankly I do not want a paper cut on my tongue). I appreciate the sight of books and what I mean by that is that I really like the covers and I know that eBooks have a pictures of the printed copy as well. But I also mean I love the yellowed pages of a book that is showing its age. Something else I like about books is that I like the feel of them and with eBooks all you have is cold metal rectangle. What I feel from books is the softness of each individual pages the hard cover of the front and back. But do love stroking my finger up and down spine of the book as and flipping the pages through my fingers. A sense that eBooks can’t provide is smell because it is on an electronic device of some kind. But books they have all different kinds of scents an example is when you go to Barnes Nobles you can smell that fresh scent of newly printed books. Even the scent of old books have a charm on their own with their musky aged scent. Finally sound when you drop an eBook it makes a terrible sound because basically you broke an expensive technological item but when you drop a book it makes a distinct thumping sound and it still stat intact. Also books make a neat whooshing sound when flip the pages which is something completely irreverent to reading but it’s somewhat distracting.
I Know all this senses might be utterly pointless to some people but this qualities that books have are four of the many reasons of why I prefer paper copies to eBooks. But another reason an important reason is that printed books gives the story itself a sense of character and bringing you a personal touch to the story itself.

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