Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Ok I'm going to  blog about Sarek by A.C Crispin. This is one of my favorite star trek novels along with Dark Mirror, Star Trek; the novelization and any one of them that has Q centered around the story. But any way if you don’t understand a thing I am saying then I warn you that the only way you can understand if you were a trekker, trekkie or have some idea of what star trek is. And since I am a huge Trek Fan I am finally going to do a blog about Star Trek! and if you have a problem with that then sorry but I had to do a blog about this book considering the fact that I have read this book so many times that I should be sick of it.

In this book, Sarek has to go off and negotiate an important treaty for the Federation like he usually does. But instead his Wife Amanda Grayson was back on Vulcan dying and might not survive long enough for his return. But that isn't the only problem going on, there is the mysteries species that Keep their faces hidden and have mysteries ties to Romulans and Vulcan. That is pretty much the basic plot there but that part of the book isn't even my favorite part of the book. The parts that I keep rereading is both Sarek and Amanda's flashbacks. I really the one when Sarek proposed to Amanda and the time got lost in the desert. But everything else in the book is really good it even featured the entire Enterprise crew and Kirk's nephew. So you know that this book is going to be fantastic and if you’re a Star Trek fan you would definitely love this especially if you have a thing for Vulcans or Spock in general.

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