Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I heard that Song Before

Back in middle school when my family was visiting my mother's side of the family. One of my mom's aunt gave me a copy of I heard That Song Before by Mary Higgins Clark. I really was excited to obtain the book because I am a really big fan of Mary Higgins Clark. She is one of my favorite’s mystery authors of all times.

                In this book is about Kay Carrington and that her husband is a suspect of a murder of a girl that happened a long before they met. But an important factor of this murder case is that was that Kay was near the present scene of that murder and she remembers a whistling sound during the murder. So either her memory will her help her husband out of this situation or condemn him of this crime. Another surprise twist in this book is that her husband has a condition that causes him to sleep walk and not remember anything so he may have done this crime but not remember doing at all.

                I could not guess the murderer throughout the book and I was really surprised on who was murder. But then again I have almost never guess an identity of a murder in a Mary Higgins Clark book. Which must be why I enjoy reading them so much because I am so eager to guess out the person who committed the crime. For anyone who is a big mystery fan I recommend you I heard That Song Before or any Mary Higgins Clark's novels because they are the best addictive reads.

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